October Mentor Reflection
During the month of October I had time to think about "my next step in life"! Of course this is senior year, so time is running out! My meeting with my mentor went very well because I had the chance to talk to her and explain to her my concerns about college, and paying for it. I explained to her that I wasn't ready to attend a four-year college after high school, so my plan is to attend Pulaski Technical College for two years and then transfer to a four year. Ms.Spradlin's response was that she thought my plan was a good idea, and would give me time to figure some things out. We spoke about my current life status and how I had been doing, I told her some of my current challenges and how I was thinking about the army. I felt like the army would take away some stress about paying college, and I knew I would be set for life if I did enter the army. However, I told Ms.Spradlin that the army didn't seem like a place for me. I didn't think that the army was fit for me or should I say I didn't feel like I was fit for the army. Speaking with Ms.Spradlin gave me a sense of who I am and how much of a strong woman I am. She told me that I would be fine with whatever decision I make and whatever challenge I face I will overcome because I always have. She also told me that God was building me up and or preparing me for the blessing he is about to give me. That statement still sticks with me as I continue to grow and face difficult decisions.
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